Patient Portal
The HealthCare Support Portal for Internal Medicine & Pediatrics of Tampa Bay facilitates better communication with your physician’s office by providing convenient 24 x 7 access from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office.
Access available to the patient portal available through the website and mobile apps for the iPhone and Android.
Patient Portal Frequent Questions & Answers
What is a patient health portal?
- A patient portal is a website that you can use to securely interact with Internal Medicine & Pediatrics of Tampa Bay to perform some of the routine, health-related task that you would normally conduct at the office or over the telephone.
- The patient health portal allows you to view some of your medical records on any internet-enabled device and help you become a more active partner in your healthcare.
What happens if I don’t have a computer, email or internet access?
- Not a problem. We will continue to communicate with you through phone calls.
Is there an age limit to enroll in the Patient Portal?
- Yes, at this time you will need to be 18 years of age or older to register to have access to the patient portal.
How do I ENROLL?
Here are a few simple steps to sign up while you are at Internal Medicine & Pediatrics of Tampa Bay:
- Let our staff know you are interested in signing up with our patient portal
- Present your photo identification at Registration and provide a private email address
- We will provide you an email link to the patient portal
- Bookmark the site to make it convenient to visit regularly
- Enter your user name as it appears in the print out you received or email received
- Enter the temporary password as it appears in the print out you received in our office or received through your personal email. Temporary password provided expires in 48 hours
- Answer the required personal data
- Stop & Read the EclinicalWorks consent form & Internal Medicine & Pediatrics of Tampa Bay patient portal consent form. You will need to agree or disagree to the consent form. If you disagree to the consent forms, you will not have access to the patient portal.
- Once you have completed the easy log in steps, you can start using the patient health portal from anywhere.
Your privacy is Important
- Your personal and medical information in the EclinicalWorks patient portal will be kept confidential. EclinicalWorks Patient Health Portal uses a secure, encrypted connection that meets the highest industry standards. All health data is stored on a server and managed with the protection of your information in mind. We will not share, sell or lease your personal information with any outside party not affiliated with our practice.
- Only you- and those you authorize- will be able to see or gain access to your secure information. It is recommended that you keep your log on information safe and secure, therefore eliminating the risk of unauthorized disclosure. If you feel your log on information has been compromised, please contact our office immediately (813)961-2222 ext 105.
When should you use the patient health portal?
- Update your demographics (home address, phone number, emergency contact information)
- Ask a general health question that does not require a routine examination
- Have electronic access to an updated list of medications, diagnosis, allergies; certain lab test results, patient history and other healthcare information related to your medical record with Internal Medicine & Pediatrics of Tampa Bay.
- You can request an appointment, request a prescription refill and request a referral
- You can view bills (*an option to pay a bill is coming soon!)
If you choose to communicate with us using the patient portal, you should keep your messages to us clear and concise. Take the time to organize your thoughts.
Multiple messages regarding the same concern during the same day, may delay our response. Remember that the message you send will be a permanent part of your medical record, therefore messages sent to us through the patient portal, must pertain to the patient account holder. Do not send messages regarding multiple patients, under one patient portal account.
How will I know if there is a message waiting for me in my Patient Portal Inbox?
- A notification is sent to the email you provided when you registered your account. It lets you know that you have a private message waiting for you in your Patient Portal account and that you need to log in to view/read it.
How quickly can I expect a response to my message?
- We will make every effort to respond to your message as soon as possible. Typically messages received after 3pm will not be read or processed until the next business day. Please remember prescription refills can take two (2) business days for processing.
Will time sensitive medical information be shared through the Patient Portal?
- Medically time sensitive information will be communicated to you through the phone.
Do messages sent and received through the Patient Portal become part of my permanent medical records?
- Messages that you send within the Patient Portal and the responses to those messages, become part of your medical record if they address prescription refills/renewals and/or any medical information deemed required to be documented. Each patient portal account is linked to his/her permanent record. Therefore, please send us a message regarding one patient at a time. Refrain from sending us group messages, under one patient portal account.
Can I receive my lab or imaging results through the patient portal?
- Most lab or imaging results can be sent through the patient portal. However, these results will not be available until the physician or advanced nurse practioner has had an opportunity to review and release these lab results to you. When lab or imaging results are released to you through the patient portal, you will get an email asking you to log into the patient portal to review your results.
- If you have not received your lab or imaging results in 7-10 business days, please send us a message through the patient portal checking on the status of your results, or call.
Can I request an appointment through the Patient Portal?
- Yes, you can send us an appointment request through the patient portal and someone from our scheduling staff will personally reach out to you by telephone to schedule an appointment with you.
When not to use the Patient Health Portal
- You should never use a patient portal if you have a medical emergency and/or need a quick answer. You should never use the patient portal if you have difficulty breathing, have chest pains, bleeding or have severe abdominal pain; as these are some medical issues that require immediate and personal medical attention. Messages received from the patient portal after 3:30pm or during non-business hours may not be addressed until the following business day.
What will my user name be?
- Your username will be the email address you provided to set up your secure patient portal account, unless you tell us otherwise.
Is there a fee to register to use the patient Portal?
- It is absolutely free! The service is provided by Internal Medicine & Pediatrics of Tampa Bay to help you become a healthier, more informed patient.
How will I know when something has been added to my patient Portal?
- Whenever information is added to your Portal account, we will send you a message to the email address you supplied. You will also receive verification emails if there has been a change to your account, such as a password, email or other contact information
Do I need any special equipment to use the Portal?
- No, it is easy to use. You can access the patient portal from any personal computer or Smartphone with Internet connection. (As with all private and secured transactions, it is not recommended to access your patient portal account, using free unsecured internet access or a public computer)
Password/Log-In Issues
What if I forget my password?
- Inside the patient portal, there is a “forgot your password” option on the log in screen. Follow the simple steps to reset your password.
What if I have trouble logging in or using the Portal?
- We are happy to help you with any Portal access issues. Patient Portal Help Desk hours are
- Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00am to 3:30pm
- Friday 8:00am to 3:00pm