Refills / Referrals


Requests for prescription refills may be made by calling our office directly or making a request through the patient portal.  Alternatively, the pharmacy can electronically request a refill on behalf of the patient when needed.  We make every effort to address prescriptions refills as quickly as possible, but please allow 2 to 3 business days.  We use electronic prescriptions electronically for extra convenience when possible.  If you have not been to see one of our providers recently, an appointment may be required for the approval of any prescription refills.  For most chronic issues, we suggest an appointment every three to six months.  Patients who have not been in our office in over a year will require an appointment to receive any additional refills.


There are some issues which require referral to a specialist.  We are happy to refer our patients out to local specialists when appropriate.  If you would like to discuss if a referral to a specialist is appropriate, please discuss this with your provider at an office visit.  We will not be able to provide referrals for new issues without discussing options with you at an office visit first.

Refills Referrals